The Best Thing That Happened This Week
But when Frankford and Kensington and Port Richmond on Tuesday night heard the crash of the train that was carrying the CEO and the tech guy and the midshipman and the dad to newer places, shinier places, they turned out to help. The neighbors lent the dazed and injured their phones, their shoes, gave them water to drink, turned a school into an emergency center, let them into their homes to wash off the blood. They were a tiny part of a much larger story, but they were the human heart, the first on the scene, attendants to an unexpected tragedy on their home turf.
The high road through the River Wards once bore Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Lafayette on their travels between New York and Philadelphia. Sometimes they stopped to enjoy the hospitality at the Jolly Post Inn. People here knew how to treat a stranger in those days.
They still do.