Hite: Schools Can Make No More Cuts

Supt. William Hite spoke to reporters last month, unveiling “Action Plan 3.0.”
There’s nothing left to cut.
So says William Hite, superintendent of the Philadelphia School District. He made the assertion Monday during comments at the Pennsylvania Press Club in Harrisburg. “What are we going to do now? Put 50 kids in a class?” he asked. “There’s nothing else to cut.”
But Hite also said he is optimistic about the possibility of getting more state help, partly because Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf’s budget would deliver another $160 million to Philadelphia schools and partly because education funding is a top issue.
“I’m optimistic because at least we’re having conversations about that,” Hite told reporters after speaking at the Pennsylvania Press Club in Harrisburg. “I’m also optimistic because now many people are talking about educational funding just across the commonwealth. The last election was all about that, in my opinion.”
There are obstacles, however. The state faces a massive budget deficit, and the Republican-controlled legislature isn’t inclined to raise taxes for any reason.