Atlantic City Fire Chief Gets $13K-Per-Month Pension
You remember former Atlantic City Fire Chief Dennis Brooks, right? We told you how he was accused of dropping his pants in front of a city employee — and, oh, not incidentally, a video camera as well?
Well, he’s retired. And he’s retiring well.
The Press of Atlantic City reports that Brooks will make $13,000 per month in retirement, his pension after spending 35 years with the fire department there.
Pension can be affected by any misconduct that occurs during service, according to the state statute. But the city would not comment on whether Brooks was found guilty of anything.
“The investigation is complete, but we’re not releasing any information because it’s a personnel issue,” said Chris Filiciello, the mayor’s chief of staff. “If we released it for him, we would have to do it for everyone.”
But even if the investigation determined misconduct, it’s unclear that it would affect the payout. To determine that, the state Pension Board of Trustees needs to balance a list of factors, the statutes indicate, including the length of service, basis for retirement, work history and the nature of the misconduct.
Brooks officially retired April 1.