GALAEI Gets a New Home in North Philly

GALAEI's new home at 149 West Susquehanna Avenue.

GALAEI’s new home at 149 West Susquehanna Avenue. | Photo from Google Street View.

Later this spring, GALAEI, the only organization for Philly (and all of Pennsylvania)’s gay and lesbian Latino community, will move from its digs on Chestnut Street in the Gayborhood to a new space in North Philadelphia. The new location was the former home of the Norris Square Civic Association and, according to Executive Director Elicia Gonzales, it will situate them in an area that will allow them to reach more of the nonprofit’s constituents.

“This move will allow GALAEI to gain a more in-depth look into the needs and resources of our community,” she says. “The move is in response to the lack of services that target queer, transgender and/or HIV-infected/affected Latin@s in the City, specifically in North Philadelphia.”

According to the organization, this is the first time in Philadelphia’s history that an LGBT organization will be housed in an area with a high HIV prevalence and other health inequities.

“The time is right and imperative to be housed in a community where we will have a greater impact on curbing the HIV epidemic and broader social justice mission,” Gonzales says.

GALAEI also intends to expand its reach to predominantly Mexican communities in South Philadelphia through a partnership with JUNTOS, Puentes de Salud, and the Mexican Consulate.

The move is slated for late-April, around the same time as GALAEI’s sixth annual DARLA gala, an evening to honor queer Latin@ leaders and organzations “that continue to bring a voice to queer Latin@s and support the empowerment of our community.” For tickets and more information, go here.