New Poll Shows Cities Where the Highest (and Lowest) LGBT Populations Live
The New York Times is reporting on a new analysis of a Gallup poll that shows metro areas that have the highest and lowest LGBT populations in the country. Despite what we might think about our mighty gay scene, Philly doesn’t even make it in the top 20 on the “highest” list.
A surprise in the Times article: “The Gallup analysis finds the largest concentrations in the West — and not just in the expected places like San Francisco and Portland, Ore. Among the nation’s 50 largest metropolitan areas, Denver and Salt Lake City are also in the top 10. How could Salt Lake be there, given its well-known social conservatism? It seems to be a kind of regional capital of gay life, attracting people from other parts of Utah and the Mormon West.”
Here’s the “top” list. I cut it off where Philly lands, but you can see the full results here:
San Francisco, 6.2 percent
Portland, Ore., 5.4
Austin, Tex., 5.3
New Orleans, 5.1
Seattle, 4.8
Boston, 4.8
Salt Lake City, 4.7
Los Angeles, 4.6
Denver, 4.6
Hartford, 4.6
Louisville, Ky., 4.5
Virginia Beach, 4.4
Providence, R.I., 4.4
Las Vegas, 4.3
Columbus, Ohio, 4.3
Jacksonville, Fla., 4.3
Miami, 4.2
Indianapolis, 4.2
Atlanta, 4.2
Orlando, Fla., 4.1
Tampa, Fla. 4.1
Phoenix, 4.1
New York, 4
San Antonio, 4
Washington, 4
Riverside, Calif., 4
Philadelphia, 3.9