Gabby Giffords to Lobby for New Gun Laws in Jersey

Gabby Giffords, courtesy her Facebook page.
Gabby Giffords, the former U.S. congresswoman who survived an assassination attempt despite traumatic head wounds, will be in New Jersey today to lobby for tougher gun laws in that state.
Her appearance today is part of a broader two-day swing through Eastern states to encourage action by state legislatures. “If Congress won’t act, then maybe leaders in the states will,” she said in a Tuesday Facebook post.
She’ll appear today in a roundtable discussion with state Sen. Loretta Weinberg and Assemblywoman Gabriela Mosquera , reports. The two are sponsoring New Jersey legislation that would require gun owners to surrender their weapons if convicted of domestic abuse, or while a domestic violence restraining order is in effect.
The appearance will be at noon in the New Jersey Statehouse.