Did Jaden Smith Come Out of the Closet on Twitter?

Several blogs went into a tizzy yesterday when Philly actor/rapper Will Smith’s son Jaden tweeted this to Tyler the Creator:
“I Think Im In Love With You, I Don’t Know I’m Still Figuring It Out But In The Meantime, Happy Birthday.”
Not long afterward, headlines started popping up claiming that the young actor came out of the closet. Media Take Out, for instance, tweeted “IT HAPPENED!!! Will Smith’s Son Jaden Smith Comes OUT OF THE CLOSET… He Admitted On Twitter… That He’s GAY!!!”
Obviously they took it too far and Smith was being playful, but a rep from the Smith camp—who likely knows a thing or two about dealing with gay rumors—found it necessary to release a statement that “there’s no truth to any of it.”
(h/t Queerty)