New Ad Campaign to Feature Yuengling Tattoos
Fans of Yuengling beer will be featured in the company’s new ad campaign, the Boston Globe reports.
Boston ad firm Allen & Gerritsen, which recently won the brewery’s business — the firm also has a Philly office — plans on a particular focus of all the skin art the company’s fans have done.
A&G’s chief executive, Andrew Graff, hints there will be a celebration of all those crazy tats that Yuengling fans get. Some have had the Yuengling bald eagle emblazoned on their skin. Others picked bottles or cans. A history-obsessed Pennsylvania resident had company founder D.G. Yuengling’s face tattooed on his right leg, just below a tattoo of the Liberty Bell.
“Each generation wants to honor what has been done in the previous generation, but also make their own mark,” Graff said of the Yuengling family. “Nobody wants to be the one where the brand isn’t successful under their own watch. Not all family-owned businesses work that way, [but] the great ones do.”
The campaign will start out in Pennsylvania in a few weeks, then spread to all 18 states where the beer is sold.