Poll: Hillary Clinton Would Trounce Chris Christie in Swing States
On Wednesday morning, Quinnipiac University released its latest poll, this one pitting Hillary Clinton against leading Republican White House contenders in Colorado, Iowa and Virginia, three of the pivotal “swing states” in the general election. And Clinton crushes New Jersey Governor Chris Christie in all three of those states.
In Colorado, Clinton wins it 43-34. In Iowa, 44-34. And in Virginia, it’s a bit closer, with Clinton on top 44-39.
“In this early look at possible 2016 presidential matchups, New Jersey Gov. Christopher Christie is the poorest performing Republican,” says Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll. “[He’s] trailing Clinton by margins of 5 to 10 percentage points, while each of the other Republicans is in the running in at least one state.”
Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky is neck-and-neck with Clinton in Virginia and Colorado, while former Florida Governor Jeb Bush is even with Clinton in Virginia.
“Several of the GOP contenders can take some solace from this poll, although Hillary Clinton remains queen of the public opinion hill at this point. The one GOPer for whom these numbers are a total drag is New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie,” Brown adds.
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