A Super Bowl Sunday Snowstorm for Philadelphia?
Just when we’d all finally calmed down from the disappointing, infuriating and wholly inconveniencing weather-prediction debacle of earlier this week — there’s more snow in the forecast. But this time, it seems that the various models used by forecasters aren’t all saying completely different things, which — at least theoretically — means that the local forecasts should be more right, or at least less wrong. Here’s a rundown of what to expect on Super Bowl Sunday. Or maybe what not expect. Who knows?!
Cecily Tynan: Late Thursday night, the 6 ABC meteorologist posted a graphic indicating the chances of significant snow. She said there’s a 10% chance of more than a foot, a 35% chance of 6-12″, a 40% chance of 3-6″, and a 15% chance of 1-3″. “No, I’m not calling this a ‘blizzard’ or the ‘storm of the decade,'” she wrote in a Facebook post. “But I do want to give an early heads up that we could be looking at moderate to heavy accumulations.” On Friday afternoon, she said she expects “big impact” on the Monday morning commute.
John Bolaris: Mr. ALL CAPS over at WeatherSavior.com has Philly right on the edge of the 3-6/6″+ line. “PHILLY ON FENCE,” he writes. Bolaris says there is potential for more than 6″ if no mixing takes place, and he says the “brunt of the storm” will hit on Monday morning.
Robert Drake: Our favorite weather hobbyist concurs that a storm is coming our way late Sunday afternoon and into Monday morning. But he’s not committing to any numbers. “For now, expect wet conditions Sunday night,” he writes. Smart.
Weather Underground: The popular weather site has been holding steady all day with a prediction of 5-8″ on Sunday and 1-3″ on Monday, with a high temperature for Monday of only 28 degrees. Brrrr.
National Weather Service: No accumulation numbers yet. But the local office of the NWS is saying just a 20% chance of snow for Sunday and a 70% chance for Monday.
The Weather CoreCast: They’re calling it 4-6″. “Your precious euro model dumps 8-12″ for PA,” writes the always entertaining voice behind CoreCast. “Yeah I don’t have that. The map I posted this morning is final … DC snow changing to mix with more snow up in PA and father north. It is what it be. At least I have a pair to tell you about it 7 days ago.”
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