Proposal: Test Pa. Legislature for Drugs
State Rep. John Lawrence of Chester County is proposing that all of his colleagues in the Pennsylvania General Assembly be tested for drug use.
“I think that voters would be very interested in knowing,” he says.
PA Independent reports the idea has a mixed reaction in Harrisburg:
State Rep. Jerry Knowles, a Schuylkill County Republican who has been advocating for drug testing for recipients of public assistance, said he supports Lawrence’s idea.
“We’re not above the law,” Knowles said.
State Rep. Anthony DeLuca, D-Allegheny, who sponsored the legislation that inspired Lawrence’s idea, is signing on as a co-sponsor of the drug-testing bill, even though he thinks there’s a “vast difference” between screening candidates for the 253-person General Assembly and thousands of school employees who work around kids every day.
“If he wants to be cute,” DeLuca said, “let him be cute.”
All we know is this: Somebody better warn Daylin Leach.