Marian Tasco to Retire From Council

Marian Tasco | City Council Flickr Page
[UPDATE, 11:40 a.m.] City Council President Darrell L. Clarke on Tuesday issued the following statement on 9th District Councilwoman Marian Tasco’s announcement that she will not seek reelection this year:
“Councilwoman Tasco’s fierce advocacy for the most vulnerable Philadelphians has shaped her long and admirable career in public service. She is a spirited ally and friend who will be greatly missed. I am thankful to have known and worked with her.
“Marian Tasco is a terrific mentor to women in an arena that has a long way to go toward full inclusion. Councilwoman Tasco has also been so generous to her offer support and guidance throughout my own career in public service. Those who’ve landed on her bad side, such as predatory lenders and payday loan operators, have learned firsthand that she is a formidable advocate. She also has used her strong knowledge of government to help shape the annual budget process.
“It is selfish to be sad at this time, so instead I enthusiastically congratulate Councilwoman Tasco on a well-deserved retirement.”
[ORIGINAL, 8:45 a.m.] Longtime City Councilwoman Marian Tasco is not seeking reelection in the May 19th primary, according to a press release from State Rep. Cherelle Parker’s campaign.
Tasco, a Democrat, represents the 9th Council District in Northwest and Northeast Philadelphia. She is currently serving her seventh term on City Council.
Tasco could not immediately be reached for comment.
Parker, chair of the House’s Philadelphia delegation, is rumored to be thinking about running for Tasco’s Council seat. In a statement about Tasco’s departure, Parker did not address that possibility.
“She has been a personal inspiration and a tireless advocate for Northwest and Northeast Philadelphia, as well as the city as a whole,” says Parker. “Because of the Councilwoman’s hard work, our neighborhoods are safer, thousands of small businesses are thriving and growing, and countless women and children have better lives and more opportunities.”
We asked Aren Platt, Parker’s campaign spokesman, if she is planning to run to replace Tasco.
“Several people have spoken to Rep. Parker about the possibility of running for Council,” he says. “However, right now she is focused on her job as a state representative, and will be taking some time to discuss the her next steps with her family, friends, staff and supporters.”
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