Petition Calls for Cancellation of TLC’s My Husband’s Not Gay

Several weeks ago, I wrote about why I thought TLC’s upcoming show My Husband’s Not Gay is problematic on a variety of levels. It seems like I’m not the only one who is bothered by it. Both and GLAAD are speaking out against the program.

GLAAD’s President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis has called the television special “downright irresponsible” and “dangerous.” Furthermore, a petition, organized by, is calling on TLC to cancel the show, claiming the program that documents the lives of four men who have entered heterosexual relationships despite their same-sex attractions, is “reckless.” The originator of the petition, Josh Sanders, a survivor of gay “reparative therapy,” claims the show perpetuates “a practice that’s been denounced as ineffective and dangerous by nearly every major medical authority.” He goes on to state the following:

“The men featured in this show deserve to be shown compassion and acceptance. Perhaps even more importantly, TV viewers need to know the horrific consequences of trying to change who you are. Instead, TLC is presenting victims’ lives as entertainment, while sending the message that being gay is something that can and ought to be changed, or that you should reject your sexual orientation by marrying someone of the opposite sex. This message is harmful to both LGBT people and communities of faith.”

For more information, or to sign the petition, click here.