Missing in Manayunk

Fliers for Montgomery are often within feet of each other on Main Street in Manayunk.
The search for Shane Montgomery, missing since Thanksgiving eve after a night out at Kildare’s in Manayunk, has been the subject of periodic news stories across Philly. But in Manayunk/Lower Roxborough, where I live, the neighborhood is saturated with the mystery of his disappearance. His family, friends and the total strangers who have volunteered to help, have posted countless fliers, and have continued to update them. Down the street from my house, on a flier duct-taped to a telephone pole, the reward amount of $40,000 has been manually crossed out with a Sharpie and “$50,000” written below. But even that is already outdated. A Dec. 9 post on the Help Find Shane Montgomery Facebook page – which has more than 35,000 likes – notes that the reward for information now stands at $65,000.
Beyond posting fliers, as of a few days ago people have been using green ribbons as a symbol of the ongoing search. It’s an effective and solemn tactic. I’ve seen green ribbons tied to trees as far away as Henry Avenue. Every time I encounter a ribbon fluttering in the wind in an unexpected place, I feel a pang of sadness for the family and their unknowable pain.
Here are a few images from Manayunk/Lower Roxborough. They are evidence of amazing dedication and diligence.
Missing in Manayunk