Tom Wolf: State’s Financial Situation “Unacceptable”
Pennsylvania Governor-elect Tom Wolf won’t start his term until next month, but he’s already facing challenges. Wolf is calling the state’s financial situation “unacceptable.”
Wolf made the comments about the state’s fiscal state at a news conference at the Yorktowne Hotel in York. He takes office January 20th. Then, he’ll inherit a budget deficit expected to be $1.9 billion or more.
During his campaign, Wolf opposed changes to state employees’ pension plans, and vowed to enact a tax on hydraulic fracturing (fracking) to fund schools.
“The commonwealth of Pennsylvania deserves a lot better so we need to get beyond this,” Wolf said of the state budget. “We have a big problem here.” Montgomery County commissioner Josh Shapiro, who is vice chair of Wolf’s budget deficit and fiscal stabilization taskforce, said the previous gubernatorial administration was “gripped by right-wing ideology.”
In other Tom Wolf news, he’s visiting the White House on Friday! Maybe he can borrow some money from Obama.
[Patriot-News | York Dispatch | WFMZ]