Paid Sick Leave Report Due Soon

Photo | Jeff Fusco
When Mayor Nutter reversed course this year and said he was suddenly in favor of mandating that Philly businesses offer paid sick leave to employees — a policy he had vetoed twice in recent years — he didn’t just sign one of the bills he previously punted: He sent the idea to a task force for examination.
That task force is just about complete with its work KYW reports. But familiar divisions remain over the issue.
Rob Zuritsky of the Parkway Corporation spoke for the Philadelphia Parking Association. Zuritzsky told the task force that if paid sick leave were enacted in Philadelphia, it would add to the list of taxes and regulations that drive businesses out of the city.
“We have a Berlin Wall of anti-business attitude that we have to knock down.”
Among those speaking in support of paid sick leave was Ellen Bravo of the group “PA Family Values @ Work.” She said working parents without paid sick leave often risk their jobs to deal with medical issues.
“A lot of businesses come to us because they’re already offering paid sick days, because they see it as the smart as well as the right thing to do. Because it boosts the bottom line, it boosts employee retention. This is a jobs issue, both for employers as well as workers and their families.”
The task force report is due December 1st.