HollabackPHILLY Splits From National Organization
Due to differences over the “10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman” video, the Philadelphia branch of anti-street harassment organization Hollaback! — HollabackPHILLY — has split from the national organization.
While wildly popular, the “10 Hours” video was criticized for primarily featuring black and Latino catcallers. Hollaback chapters operate independently; the Philadelphia chapter did not have any input on the video.
HollabackPHILLY says it went to the national organization with concerns about the video, “they were not addressed sufficiently enough for us to continue the affiliation.”
Feminist efforts are not successful unless they simultaneously address other forms of structural and institutionalized prejudices, like racism, ableism, and classism, alongside gender. A movement must have this kind of thinking at its heart to successfully promote the kinds of nuanced conversations necessary to create change that is as expansive, varied, and complex as the people the movement represents.
Despite the inspiration and growth we have enjoyed from our involvement with this international network of passionate activists, when our brand affiliations begin to call our intentions and integrity into question, and start to contradict our actions, we know we have a responsibility to act.
HollabackPHILLY announced it had set up a new organization, Feminist Public Works.