Grand Jury Makes Ferguson Decision
AP reports: “A St. Louis County grand jury has finally reached a decision on whether to charge Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown Jr., several media outlets reported Monday. The panel’s ruling is expected to be revealed during a press conference at the courthouse in Clayton later today.”
This will be a big deal in Philadelphia. Activists have already announced plans to demonstrate here on both the day of the announcement — today, apparently — and the day after. Philly Police have been planning for the protests and meeting with organizers.
“Of course there is always the possibility of some people with a different agenda that may show up, but they would certainly be in the minority,” Commissioner Charles Ramsey told KYW last week. “The majority of people who are concerned about what is going on there, simply want to exercise their first amendment rights, and our job is to see to it that they have the ability to do so in a very peaceful way.”
No word on when, precisely, the announcement will come down.