Pa. Supreme Court Cancels Justice McCaffery’s State-Provided Internet, Takes His Computers
There’s a lot about the temporary removal of Justice Seamus McCaffery from the court that almost makes you want to send pornographic emails at work. He’s forbidden to work and he still gets paid? That’s the American dream! Can everyone get that deal just by sending pornographic emails?
But not everything’s great for McCaffery in this deal. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has canceled McCaffery’s state-provided Internet at his home and ordered him to turn in his state-issued computers. Not having computers or Internet in Northeast Philly basically means you live in the late ’80s.
The Inquirer reports the state has paid $7,500 for Comcast business Internet at McCaffery’s Bustleton home since 2008. The paper says the state “also gave McCaffery a home computer, a laptop, an iPhone, an iPad, and other equipment — all raising the question of whether taxpayers footed any part of the bill when sexually explicit messages were sent.”
McCaffery was temporarily relieved of his duties Monday while the Judicial Conduct Board investigates his involvement in the ongoing pornographic email scandal. In an opinion on his removal from the bench, Chief Justice Ron Castille called McCaffery a “sociopath.”