Kane Will Make Racy Emails Available to Corbett

Kathleen Kane. AP Photo | Bradley C. Bower
Attorney General Kathleen Kane will let Gov. Tom Corbett’s office see the “racy” emails she says his underlings exchanged while he was attorney general.
The pornographic content will be redacted, but any conversations between sender and recipient will not, said Renee Martin, spokeswoman for Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane.
Through his spokesman, Corbett called the trading of such content “unacceptable” and said he expected his employees to maintain ethical standards beyond reproach.
But he also asked for more detail before taking any action. The information Kane made public, for instance, did not indicate when the e-mails were traded, if recipients actually opened or viewed them, or if they replied to them.
Kane has named a number of top officials as being touched by the scandal, including Police Commissioner Frank Noonan and Environmental Protection Secretary Christopher Abruzzo.
Previously: Email Scandal Could Spread to Judiciary
Previously: Mr. Corbett, It’s Time to Clean House
Previously: Corbett to Kane: Give Me All The Pornographic Emails You Have
Previously: Those Racy Emails: What They’re Saying