Chris Christie, Complaining of Leaks, Says “Bridgegate” Investigation Should End

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie talks with reporters at the National Governors Association convention Saturday, July 12, 2014, in Nashville, Tenn. (AP Photo | Mark Humphrey)
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said Thursday it was time for a state legislative committee to end its investigation into the so-called “Bridgegate” controversy, saying the committee had leaked information designed to embarrass him without uncovering information he had committed wrongdoing.
“I’ve known all along that this has been a partisan pursuit,” Christie said, “and the leaking that’s being done by the legislative committee is just further evidence to the fact that this is a partisan pursuit.”
The governor blasted the committee’s co-chairman as a politician in search of the limelight and declared he’s “really growing tired” of the lawmaker, state Assemblyman John Wisniewski (D-Middlesex).
Wisniewski strongly disagreed with Christie’s charges. He accused the governor of reneging on a vow to fully cooperate with the investigation by refusing to provide certain documents to the committee by invoking executive privilege.
Just because Christie’s “tired of this” doesn’t mean officials “ought to just walk away and respect his explanation” of the events, he said.
“That’s not how this works,” Wisniewski added.
Christie may have the political advantage. Patrick Murray, director of Monmouth University’s polling institute, told a recent poll shows the Jersey public believes the committee is trying to make trouble for Christie instead of preventing future abuses of power.
“The public sides with Christie,” Murray said. “It’s about going after Christie.”