Corbett: Women Want Liquor Law Reform So They Can Speed Up Dinner Prep
Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett would no doubt like to shore up his female support before the election. One way he could do it: Pointing out his support of liquor law reform! Sure, that doesn’t seem like a women’s issue, particularly, but it’s something a lot of Pennsylvanians support.
And, hey, here’s a quote from last month: “I think a lot of people want to be able to walk into a grocery store, particularly, a lot of the women, want to go and buy a bottle of wine for dinner, go down, buy a 6 pack or two 6 packs, buy dinner and go home rather than what I described as 3 stops in Pennsylvania.”
The clip, from an episode of The Sam Lesante Show in late July, was posted to YouTube Tuesday by Fresh Start PA, a Democratic political PAC working to elect Tom Wolf and other Dem candidates this year. The Lesante Show is a Hazleton program from the almost eponymous Sam-Son Productions.
While we’re trading in stereotypes here, as a 31-year-old bachelor I’d like to be able to pick up a six-pack and a bottle of wine at a supermarket and take it home so I can order pizza.