Massive Money Counterfeiting Ring Busted In Cherry Hill, New Jersey
The United States Attorney in Virginia has announced that two Israelis were arrested in Cherry Hill earlier this year as part of a long and complex investigation into an international money counterfeiting ring, with 13 total arrests up and down the East Coast, from New York to Florida.
Boaz Borohov, 43, and Ofra Borohov, 45, were arrested in Cherry Hill on May 28th. Officials believe that the husband-and-wife team were part of a scheme to manufacture high-quality counterfeit $100 bills, and they say that many millions of dollars made it into circulation, starting back in 1999. The government contends that more than $10 million worth of the ring’s counterfeit bills were passed or seized in 2013 alone.
According to the United States Attorney, the counterfeit $100 bills were originally manufactured in Israel, but a domestic printing operation began in a nondescript building, seen above, in Cherry Hill in January of this year.
Court records indicate that the Borohovs have been charged with conspiracy to defraud the U.S. government and racketeering.
In a statement, the U.S. Attorney said that the investigation culminated in “the suppression of a sophisticated counterfeit printing plant in New Jersey that is suspected of producing one of the most prolific counterfeit notes in history.”
Authorities seized multiple printing presses and machines, an etching machine, computers, counting machines, over $240,000 in real money, $2.5 million in fake money, and a .45 caliber Colt 1911 gun.
The defendants face up to 20 years in prison if convicted.
PHOTO: Google Maps