Wolf: Raise Taxes on Rich to Fund Schools
AP reports that Tom Wolf, the Democratic gubernatorial candidate, wants to raise taxes on “high earners” to fund schools across the state.
While ed funding would be improved, he said, local reliance on property taxes would be reduced — giving homeowners a break. AP reports: “Wolf’s goal would be to raise the state’s share of public school costs to 50 percent; it currently pays about one-third, while property taxes shoulder more than 40 percent.”
At the liberal blog Keystone Politics, Jon Geeting notes: “During the Rendell administration, the state’s share of education funding got up to a high of 44%, and under Tom Corbett, it went down to 32%.”
Wolf’s overall tax plan would reduce taxes for middle class households — those earning $70,000 to $90,000 — and eliminate them entirely for some poorer households, while raising them for the highest earners.
“I’m looking at it from the point of view of fairness. I think people like me should pay more. I think people who are starting out, building a business, starting a family, should pay less,” Wolf told AP.