Poll: Corbett Still Trailing Badly
Another poll that shows Tom Wolf might have the easiest governor’s race in the history of contested democracy. This one’s from Franklin & Marshall College, and it’s featured in the Scranton Times-Tribune.
About four months before the Nov. 4 election, Mr. Corbett remained far behind Democratic governor nominee Tom Wolf, according to the latest Franklin & Marshall College poll, released Tuesday.
Mr. Wolf had the support of almost half of registered voters (47 percent) compared to only a quarter (25 percent) for Mr. Corbett, the largest polling deficit for any incumbent governor facing re-election this year. The margin is consistent with other recent polls in the race.
Worse yet, only about a quarter of voters (26 percent) believe Mr. Corbett deserves re-election with more than three in five (62 percent) saying it’s time for a change.
One-in-five votes said education will be the most important issue in this election. Given this week’s budget news, it’s tough to see how that issue swings Corbett’s way in the next few months.