Here’s a Model of What Frank Gehry Wants to Do to the Art Museum Steps

One of the plans for the Frank Gehry expansion of the Philadelphia Museum of Art completely redesigns the iconic steps.


Image via Reddit

This morning I came across the above image, posted on Twitter via Reddit. The Art Museum is calling it a “an option for consideration.” But, yes, this is what Frank Gehry wants to do to the iconic Art Museum steps.

Honestly, it looks awesome, but it also takes away a lot of the, erhm, iconic-ness of the museum’s steps. (Though picturing Rocky running right into that glass wall is pretty great.) And that’s one of the city’s biggest tourist attractions, and a thing that people all over the world know about Philadelphia. It’s stupid, of course — it’s a movie — but the reason the Art Museum steps are vibrant is because of all the tourists who run up them, whether they enter the museum or not. Would that change by completely redoing the steps?

One thing that is sure: You’ll be hearing a lot of obnoxious commentary about this plan (which will be unveiled to the public on July 1st)! Feel free to start in the comments, if you’d like.

[Reuters | Photo via]