Ed Rendell to Democrats: It’s Best If You Don’t Run Against Hillary Clinton
Politico on Wednesday assessed the presidential ambition of former Maryland governor Martin O’Malley. The site’s Anna Palmer writes that the 2016 presidential field is “frozen” until Hillary Clinton decides if she’ll jump into the race. It appears very likely she will, of course, and got a very interesting quote from Clinton family loyalist and professional Philadelphia Eagles analyst Ed Rendell:
Former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell said that other possible Democratic presidential candidates, like Sens. Mark Warner of Virginia and Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota are biding their time to see what Clinton will do. Vice President Joe Biden, who is widely considered to be the front-runner if Clinton chooses not to run, has met with some fundraisers and has made several visits to key states like South Carolina.
“I think he is an attractive candidate in general, but in terms of Hillary Clinton, Martin should not run if Hillary runs,” Rendell said, praising O’Malley’s tenure as Baltimore mayor and Maryland governor. “He would be better off being a loyal soldier. He actually would fit the demographic well as a vice president to Hillary.”
Jim Newell at Salon writes that Rendell “essentially tells the O’Malleys of the party this: If you cause too much trouble in the process of losing, you might ruin your chances for positions down the road.”
Newell’s piece explores the question of whether the Democratic primary will be a coronation of Hillary Clinton, a VP tryout, or an actual contest. It appears Ed Rendell would like it to be the former — or, really, would like Clinton to not have much opposition at all.