Tom Corbett Wants No Blame for Kathleen Kane’s Abandoned Sting
Tom Corbett has enough problems of his own. He doesn’t need to get on board Kathleen Kane’s sinking ship.
Gov. Corbett was, of course, one of Kane’s predecessors as attorney general. In fact, the sting operation that caught Philly Democrats taking cash payments started on his watch. Kane has suggested she was only the latest in a series of officials not to prosecute a bungled case.
But Corbett told the Inquirer this week that the decision not to prosecute the case didn’t start with him — the investigation had only just begun by the time he left office.
“It only began when I was there,” Corbett said. “It was way too early to make a decision whether to prosecute, it was just beginning.”
Corbett’s kept his opinion of the matter mostly to himself. But given his own poor standing in the polls, the misfortune of Kane probably doesn’t displease him: The more the public focuses on the bad acts of Democrats, the better shot he has of coming back and winning re-election.