Former Philly Mag Intern Is a Pulitzer Winner
There’s one other Philadelphia-related Pulitzer Prize we failed to take note of: Will Hobson, a former Philly Mag intern who now reports for the Tampa Bay Times, won the award for a series of stories he co-authored about homelessness.
The Tampa Bay Times reports: “The award was given to Times staff writers Will Hobson, 29, and Michael LaForgia, 30, whose reporting on the county’s Homeless Recovery program revealed that the agency — created in 1989 to provide transitional housing for the poor — funneled millions of public dollars to slumlords and placed families in unsafe living conditions.”
Hobson’s LinkedIn page notes that at Philly Mag, he “fact-checked and researched several pieces for the magazine. Wrote reviews of a film and a novel, and a short piece for the front section of the book.” Clearly, these were the skills he needed to win the Pulitzer. Hobson went on to be Inquirer’s Chester County correspondent for two years before moving to Florida.