Sen. Bob Menendez Banned From Russia
New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez is banned from Russia, the Star-Ledger reports:
Menendez was one of six federal lawmakers who along with a number of advisors to President Obama were banned from Russia in retaliation for U.S. economic sanctions imposed by the president. The president announced the sanctions today over what he called the “illegitimate” annexation of Crimea by the Russians.
“President Putin’s military invasion and annexation of Crimea is brutal, totally unacceptable, and sadly returns us to a period of Cold War aggression and hostility,” Menendez, who is chairman of the powerful Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, said in a statement. “It doesn’t have to be this way but, if standing up for the Ukrainian people, their freedom, their hard earned democracy and sovereignty means I’m sanctioned by Putin, so be it.”
The question now: Is Vladimir Putin still welcome in New Jersey?