Action News Does Great Job Helping Residents Without Power, Reports Action News

How are those without power supposed to learn of the power-charging stations?

Like many of you, I’ve been watching more local TV news over the past few weeks. It’s been cold and snowy and icy and fewer people are going out — and there’s nothing on TV, ever. Yesterday had by far my favorite piece of news coverage since… well, since Karen Hepp’s doom-and-gloom rant earlier that day. It came from Action News:

This is my favorite part of local TV news coverage during storms: They’re on constantly. There’s a lot of airtime to fill, and there are only so many downed trees reporters can stand in front of. Eventually, the stations break down and do reports on how great it is that Action News is setting up these charging stations for those without power. (And it is nice! Surely if I were without power in Lafayette Hill I’d go charge my phone.) This particular report is extra special because it also contains two advertisements. At least that girl gets a new iPhone. Go for the gold 5S if you can!

My one question, though: How are the people without power supposed to learn of this charging station? They can’t watch it on TV.