Report: Joe Sixpack Out at Philly Beer Week

"Differed on compensation."

City Paper reports: ” Don Russell a.k.a Joe Sixpack, founder of Philly Beer Week has stepped down as director of the ten day long festival. Beer Week was Russell’s baby from the get go so this piece of news is certainly unexpected.” Russell has been as responsible as anybody for Philly’s reputation as center of quality micro-brewing; is that culture ready to stand and walk on its own?’s Danya Henninger got more commentary from PBW’s William Reed, who offered the following explanation:

Philly Beer Week is the work of many people, and Don was always a big part of the leadership and vision. His role of Executive Director was the sole paid position of what’s essentially a grassroots, volunteer-run organization.

The board of directors and Don couldn’t agree on fair compensation for the coming year and I believe Don felt his work undervalued.

It’s a big loss to us at PBW. Don has been a friend to most of us on the board for many years. He’s earned my respect and admiration on a professional level and I’m sorry to see him resign.