Hillary Clinton Was in Town Again Last Night
September 10th: Hillary receives the Liberty Medal at the National Constitution Center.
November 1st: Hillary speaks to the Pennsylvania Conference of Women at the Convention Center.
November 21st: Hillary spoke at the U.S. Green Building Conference at the Convention Center.
Next, we hear, she’s going to start sitting in the grass on the national Mall and start telling people stories about the American Revolution. Point is: She really likes us, doesn’t she?!
Here’s a synopsis of what former Madam Secretary said last night:
“At the top of any agenda about America’s future, sustainability has to be viewed as one of the key goals,” she said in the speech at Temple University.
She talked about how she and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, had windows, heaters and even light bulbs replaced to make the White House more energy efficient. As a senator, Clinton said she supported green school buildings and, as secretary of the state, required new embassies and consulates to meet environmental standards while also encouraging other countries to impose environmental regulations.
Will be interesting to see if she speaks with the same fervor for clean energy on the trail. (Should she get there, that is.) [AP]