Will Princeton Go “Dallas Buyers Club” on Meningitis Problem?
They’ve tried vaccines. They’ve tried an ad campaign. They’ve even tried special and utterly useless red solo cups. But after an eighth case of meningitis broke out on campus last week, Princeton might just go full Matthew McConaughey in the Dallas Buyers Club and import a drug that isn’t currently approved in the States.
[The] strain of the illness at Princeton — serogroup B — is not covered by the vaccine that is widely available in the United States and that protects against most strains of the disease. Another vaccine, Bexsero, does, but has been approved only by authorities in Europe and Australia. In response to the Princeton outbreak, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have received special permission from the Food and Drug Administration to import Bexsero.
The university’s trustees could decide as early as today whether to approve the drug or not. [New York Times]