SMIZE QUEEN: Top 3 Revealed on
Top Model
This cycle of America’s Next Top Model has been one dramatic doozy, and we are finally down to the top five contestants vying for the coveted prize.
DRAMA: After last week’s panel, the contestants returned to the house with tensions high. Cory, Jourdan and Renee were upset about Nina leaving, and they took out their frustrations on Chris, who they called out for playing games all season and manipulating poor, young Nina. For the first time all season, Cory lost his cool, getting in Chris’s face and pointing fingers all over the place.
MINI CHALLENGE: The models had to battle it out against each other to see who could hold their own in a fitness challenge. Judge Rob Evan’s coached, letting the models know they would be competing in three mini fitness tests against members of their own sex. Renee triumphed over Jourdan, leaving her dazed, dizzy and huffing like the big bad wolf. Marvin eked by with a win on the boys’ team. So Marnee (Renee + Marvin) got top scores and the opportunity to dip in some gorgeous aquatic therapy pools for some steamy one-on-one kissy face time.
MARNEE: Marvin and Renee’s relationship continues to heat up on screen. In and out of bed, the two are looking more confident and comfortable in each others arms. Renee confesses that sex and boys usually distract her, leaving us all wondering if this showmance will be her demise in the competition.
Cory’s boyfriend Anthony (far left) with Cory (far right.) Photo courtesy of Anthony’s Instagram, @miightyant.PHILLY BREAK: Cory, at his wits end being the only gay man in the house, settles in a for a cozy Skype date with his boyfriend, Anthony, who you may know as Philly drag queen Maria Top Cat.
CHALLENGE: Things got pretty batty when the models’ main photo challenge was to pose with bats while hanging upside down draped in flowy fabric. Chris (above), like always, struggled, much to the pleasure of the other models gunning for his downfall. Medics had to be rushed on set for Renee, who got dizzy after hanging upside down for so long. These girls need to eat something! Marvin posed strong, citing Cory for his androgynous inspiration. Cory also seemed to do well, taking risks by being himself throughout it all.
PANEL DRAMA: Judges Kelly Cutrone and Rob Evans have continued to disagree this cycle, and yet again their opinions were at opposite ends of the spectrum when it came to Cory (above). Kelly loved his androgynous pose, while Rob thought it wasn’t manly enough. Cory respectfully interrupted to defend himself and his brand of gender-bending modeling. Tyra also injected her opinion in the conversation, saying that Cory’s androgyny will define his career — and blaze a trail for future girly boy models. With great scores from Tyra and Kelly, Rob gave Cory a pitch-poor 6, the lowest of all the scores given at this week’s panel.
TOPS: Jourdan won top photo for the fifth time this cycle. Marvin, with his Cory-inspired shot, was close behind.
BOTTOMS: For the first time, Cory was in the bottom, in real jeopardy of packing his bags for Philly thanks to Rob Evans low score. He joined Renee (above) and Chris H, but their poor performances and low social media scores couldn’t keep them in the competition.
TOP THREE: So there you have it! Jourdan, Marvin (above) and Cory are this season’s top three who will compete in the finale this Friday. The girl, the boy, and the androgynous. Who will it be? My guess is that they have to let a guy win, since this is the first season with boys and girls. So out goes Jourdan. And I really can’t see “Starving Marvin” being named winner. Could Cory be not only the first man but first gay man to win America’s Next Top Model? Stay tuned, smize queens.
FINALE PARTY: On Fri., Nov. 8, Tabu Lounge and Sports Bar, which, full disclosure, is my place of employment, will air the finale of America’s Next Top Model in the main bar, and Cory will be in attendance to watch what happens live. The episode airs at 9 p.m.