SMIZE QUEEN: Queasy Models, Sassy Oprahs and More Flawsomeness
On this week’s all-new episode, we finally found out which male model would be brought back into the pack after a two-week wait. The boy with the bodacious body, Jeremy, beat out ice-cream man Mike and Jesus-look-alike Phil for one more chance to be on top.
MINI CHALLENGE: Comedian Reggie Watts posed as a fake French commercial director to test the models’ commitment to acting like a fool. On the set for a commercial for a fake water brand called Quaff, the models had to jump up and down in front of a green screen, kissing unicorns, somersaulting in baby pools and playing with stuffed camels. The latter threw Renee, who has an irrational fear of anything in disguise, for a loop. All the models championed through the ridiculousness of this, but it was Jourdan who snagged the highest score.
DRAMA BREAK: When Chris H. passively aggressively called Renee ratchet for not cleaning her dirty dishes, shit hit Beyoncé’s weave fan. Renee’s claws came out in full force, but Jourdan’s comment that Chris’s disrespectful ways are no surprise because he “doesn’t know love,” burned so deeply that Jeremy stepped in to defend his bro. “How do you know love when you got divorced at 19?,” he asked Jourdan, sending her — and the entire house — into a Top Model tizzy. All of a sudden, the models were standing on furniture and throwing curse words all over the place until the Oprah of the house, our Cory, mediated and got everyone to simmer down.
MAIN CHALLENGE: The main challenge was built around another one of Tyra’s made-up words: “Flawsome.” The models were asked to rock a variety of invented flaws, like chicken legs and a mole on the nose, in a photo. To help, Tyra invited albino male supermodel Shaun Ross, who, despite being bullied in high school for his differences, has made a great success out of modeling, and actress Zendaya to pose with the ANTM models. On set, Jordan’s tension with Jeremy complicated her shoot, Chris H. (pictured, above left) seemed aloof, and big-eyed Nina was confidently acing pose after pose.
DRAMA BREAK #2: Alex, who was just brought back into the competition, revealed that she has a health condition where her heart beats too fast when she becomes nervous. This ends up getting in the way later when the models are at panel and she is excused to the green room where she curls up in a ball and pouts. With models dropping to the floor in past seasons, Tyra surely wanted to avoid that liability this time.
TOPS: Nina won the challenge with her big, beautiful eyes, and Don, another set of beautiful eyes, was right behind.
BOTTOMS: Chris H. and Alex (pictured above, center) landed at the bottom, but the latter ended up with the losing score. She is informed backstage by a producer while she’s still lying on the casting couch. Awkward!
CORY WATCH: Our hometown boy (pictured, above right with his flawsome widow’s peak) once again stepped in to calm another girl vs. boy drama fest, telling the group that, “If the fight is about a dish, you just do the damn dish and move on.” Surprisingly, he earned one of the lowest scores during the mini challenge, but his photo was praised by Tyra and fans at the end. All the judges are noticing his continued growth in the competition. Plus, he has yet to be in the bottom, and with one win behind him, his odds continue to be promising.
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