City Wants to Raise Cost of Parking Permits
Back in 1990, the cost of renewing your Philadelphia parking permit was $20. In 2013, it is still $20. Adjust that 1990 amount for inflation, and you get $35 today. So guess what the PPA wants to charge you now? Yup, $35. If that wasn’t sensible sounding enough, consider that new parking passes already cost that much. But if there’s anything that brings out the War on Cars crowd, it might be this potential change.
“[PPA Deputy Executive Richard] Dickson says another change is that families who want permits for more than one car will face higher annual fees for additional cars — $50 for a second vehicle, $75 for a third, and $100 each beyond the third.”
Nutter! You health-obssessed nanny-citier!
[CBS 3]