Kate Gosselin Sues Jon Gosselin for Stealing Her Stuff, Trying to Ruin Her Life
The latest in the apparently still developing Jon and Kate Gosselin (minus eight) story. Kate has sued her ex-husband Jon, both of whom live in the Reading area, for stealing personal information off her computer and giving it to his tabloid writer friend Robert Hoffman (also being sued). From the complaint:
After the couple was separated, Jon illegally hacked into Kate’s email account, and her phone, and bank accounts. Jon also stole a hard drive from Kate’s house, which contained private and confidential material…Hoffman used the illegally acquired data to publish a defamatory book about Kate called “Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled the World.”
The book has since been pulled from large distributors, but Kate says the damage has already been done: The book alleges that she, among other things, sometimes became violent towards her own children, according to personal journals. Kate’s being represented in part by Fishtown-based lawyer A. Jordan Rushie; the federal case is being argued in Philadelphia.
h/t City Paper