State Presses Case Against MontCo Gay Marriages
AP reports on the latest state attempts to undo gay marriages sanctioned by Montgomery County official Bruce Hanes:
A Pennsylvania county court clerk’s decision to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples is a separation-of-powers violation that “risks causing serious and limitless harm” in Pennsylvania and beyond, according to a legal filing Monday by lawyers for the state Health Department and Gov. Tom Corbett.
The latest filing argued the clerk’s actions have interfered with the uniform administration of law. It warned that one possible consequence of Hanes’ actions may be that same-sex couples may apply for benefits reserved for married couples.
“Ours is a government of laws, not one of public officials exercising their will as they believe the law should be or will be,” the administration argued, adding that only courts can declare a law unconstitutional and suspend it.
No word on when a judge will rule in the case.