Ken Trujillo Wants a Shot at the Mayor’s Seat

Former city solicitor to Mayor John Street, Ken Trujillo, wants a shot at running for mayor in 2015, and plans to start his run today by registering a political-action committee that will work towards that goal. A Philly resident for more than 30 years, Trujillo has served at city, state, and federal levels of government, and calls the mayoral race “something I’m very passionate about.”
In addition to serving as John Street’s solicitor, Trujillo has also held positions on Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board and the state’s Intergovernmental Cooperation Authority. So far, his platform includes issues that have dogged Mayor Nutter’s time in office, including job creation, public safety, the city’s ailing pension fund and education. Noble goals, but with just a year and nine months until 2015’s primary, the solutions will need to be fleshed out quickly. Nutter, after all, has been at it since 2008, and look where we’ve gotten since then. []