The PPA Has Started Rolling Out Its New $5,000 Logo

If you ponied up for street parking over the weekend, you may have noticed something besides the usual hatred every good Philadelphian feels when dealing with anything related to our city’s parking enforcement: a new logo for the Philadelphia Parking Authority. The first image update for the agency in decades, the PPA’s new look is a sleek update on the chunky ’80s logo, and it only ran the parking cops a cool $5,000 and nine months of lead-time thanks to JLT Design’s Jenna Teodoro. Some 18 designs later, we have the current logo: lowercase red and blue letters atop of a stylized skyline shot.

Expect to see the new logo somewhere in Philly over the next few months as the PPA ramps up its implementation. As for when to expect the promised change in the “customer service approach” the PPA has promised? Don’t hold your breath. [NBC]