UPDATE: Sandusky Hearing: Penn State Officials Ordered to Stand Trial
[Updated: 3:19 pm] AP reports:
Three former Penn State administrators have been ordered to stand trial in the Jerry Sandusky child sex abuse scandal.
A Pennsylvania district judge on Tuesday ruled that prosecutors had shown enough evidence to warrant a trial for ex-President Graham Spanier (SPAN’-yer), former vice president Gary Schultz and ex-athletic director Tim Curley.
State prosecutors allege that the men failed to tell police about sexual abuse allegations involving Sandusky and then tried to cover up what they knew about it.
The men say they’re innocent.
[Updated: 12:35 p.m.] Morning Call reports that Lisa Powers, Penn State’s director of public information, testified today her bosses had kept her in the dark regarding any allegations against Jerry Sandusky:
It wasn’t until Oct. 31, 2011, that Powers was summoned to a meeting with Spanier, Baldwin and others and learned that Curley and Schultz would be charged with perjury for allegedly lying to the grand jury.
When the grand jury presentment leaked on Nov. 5, 2011, “all hell broke loose,” Powers said.
Without guidance from the university’s leadership, Powers’ office was unprepared.
“We didn’t expect the fall out,” Powers said. “We were inundated by media from everywhere. I didn’t answer my phones and I couldn’t answer my email.”
The paper adds: “The second witness Tuesday, an attorney general’s office computer forensic investigator, testified that most of the emails on which the state’s case against Spanier, Schultz and Curley is based were discovered in archive of Schultz’s email on a Penn State server.”
[Original: 10:34 am] USA Today:
Lawyers will regroup for a second day of testimony in a hearing for three former Penn State officials ensnared in the Jerry Sandusky child sex-abuse scandal, a day after a star witness testified that football coach Joe Paterno had been critical of how the university handled it.
Tuesday’s hearing in a Harrisburg courtroom is expected to be short, with just two witnesses.
Former Penn State president Graham Spanier, retired university vice president Gary Schultz, and ex-athletic director Tim Curley are charged with failing to tell lpolice about an early accusation against Sandusky, an accusation that—had it emerged sooner—might’ve prevented some additional victimizations. We’ll update this post today as events warrant.