Pot Protest at Liberty Bell Could Last For Weeks, Assuming Protesters Don’t Wander Off in Search of Cheetos
The Daily Chronic reports:
After six successful rallies, The Panic Hour and Philly NORML, joint organizers of the event, will return to Independence National Historic Park, home of the Liberty Bell, to peacefully protest cannabis prohibition starting on July 26.
Unlike previous editions of Smoke Down Prohibition, which were one-day demonstrations, this event begins at 4:20 pm on a Friday, and taking a page from last year’s Occupy movement, will continue for as long as necessary — even if it stretches for days, weeks, or months.
“We ask you to join us and peacefully sit in at the Liberty Bell to stand up against cannabis prohibition,” organizers said in a press release about the event.
Also, there will be pot. So expect to see these tactics put into play (language NSFW). And, probably, Nick Vadala somewhere in the vicinity. For journalistic reasons, of course.