No Philadelphia Athletes in ESPN Magazine’s “Body Issue”

Every year, ESPN magazine rounds up the sexiest athletes in the world for its “Body Issue“, in which, ripping a page from Sports Illustrated‘s book, the mag displays scantily clad (or, uh, not clad at all) sexypeopleTM for us normies to ogle extensively. That’s all well and good, but come on, ESPN: no Philly athletes on the 21-person list? Are we not sexy enough for you anymore? I mean, I know our sports records are a turnoff, but our sports physiques are definitely ogle-worthy. We’ve got Chase Utley — a beautiful man by all accounts — and the Union’s Michael Farfan, plus Zac Rinaldo of the Flyers and tons more. If you’ll excuse us, we collectively as a city will be wearing sweatpants and drowning our sorrows in some Häagen-Dazs. [DailyMail]