Attending One Local College Is “Second-Worst Investment” in the Country
Do you or a loved one attend Valley Forge Christian College? We’re so sorry. A study by has ranked the formerly non-accredited Phoenixville school the second-worst in the country, purely based on return on investment. (The Art Institute of Pittsburgh is last. So…woo-hoo?)
Valley Forge Christian costs about $114,100 for a four-year student but leaves that student owing $178,000 rather than earning money in the future, according to the report.
As NBC 10 also notes, somewhat understatedly, “other ranking institutions like U.S. News and World Report didn’t publish a ranking for VFCC and the school doesn’t appear on Forbes’ list of “America’s Top Colleges.” VFCC, for what it’s worth, disputes PayScale’s methodology, which took the last 30 years into account. Things have been going really really well for the last 17 years, says the current president, who took over 17 years ago. [NBC 10]