Montgomery County’s Suicide Rate Up an Astonishing 83.9 Percent

Turns out the ‘burbs are somewhat depressing, at least recently. Suicide rates in Montgomery County, once below the national average, have skyrocketed 83.9 percent between 2005 and 2011. Surrounding counties like Chester, Bucks and Delaware County fluctuate regularly, increasing only marginally comparatively. With their suicide rate at 13.25 per 100,000 residents, what exactly is causing this rise in suicides? Officials say they aren’t sure, but with 80 percent of suicide victims being male, a focus on outreach in that arena might help. In the mean time, loved ones are encourage to follow Montgomery County Emergency Services‘ ACE acronym:

Ask: calmly but directly, “Do you think you might try to hurt yourself?”

Care: Listen to them while removing any means of self-harm.

Engage: Don’t leave the person alone. Call for help: 1-800-273-TALK, 1-800-SUICIDE, or 911.
