The Schuylkill Looked Pretty Brown Today…And Philadelphians Are ON IT
Why is the schuylkill river so brown bleh!
— Jazzabelle (@youHAUTEtoknow) June 11, 2013
Is it the Willy Wonka chocolate river or the Schuylkill River? @ Market Street Bridge — Gee0ff (@THEGeeeoff) June 11, 2013
The Schuylkill looks like a river of Yoo-Hoo today.…
— Annie Monjar (@amonjar) June 11, 2013
Oh waddup Managing Editor of Philadelphia Magazine Annie Monjar?
The Schuylkill River actually looks like diarrhea
— Mike Marano (@M_Marano6) June 11, 2013
Thanks, Mike.
Thanks, bro.
Wow, the #Schuylkill River is brown from all the rain and flooding. #river#philadelphia#philly… — Tom Pez (@tomek922) June 11, 2013
Congratulations, Tom, you win the prize! It was last night’s massive rain that caused the brown color. Environmentally speaking, by the way, brown rivers are actually a good thing. As the prevalence of acid rain has subsided since the ’70s, a 2007 Nature study found, (brown-looking) organic matter has become more soluble, and now slips much more easily into our water streams. Before the heydey of acid-drenched soil, in other words, brown water was probably not so uncommon.
And now, without further ado: