Prediction: Chelsea Clinton Will Run for President in 2024
We are witnessing both the longest political dynasties and longest political rivalry in American history. There has been either a Bush or Clinton as president, vice president or secretary of state since 1980. We just started a short time-out with Hillary Clinton’s resignation. But with Hillary the frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination and Jeb Bush flirting with a run in 2016, the odds are good the rivalry of dynasties will soon pick up where it left off.
The first time a Bush and a Clinton faced off was 1992 when former Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton soundly defeated President George H. W. Bush. 2016 could be Bush-Clinton II. But let’s skip ahead to 2024 and Bush-Clinton III. Can’t you feel it coming?
The possibility became more plausible this week when Chelsea Clinton sounded like her political parents when asked if she would ever consider running for office. Cutting through the calculated coyness, she said yes. Chelsea is impressive; she has the right name and DNA and a renowned campaign and fundraising organization at her disposal. Some in Washington have already fast-forwarded to a Chelsea Clinton run for the White House.
Then there’s George P. Bush, Jeb’s son, referred to in several media reports over the years as “hunky,” who has been touted as the future of the party since he spoke at the Republican convention in Philadelphia. He’s running for land commissioner in Texas, and before even winning, which he will, he’s already being talked about for higher office. George P. has all of the above that Chelsea has, with one major addition: George P. Bush’s mom is Mexican-American, and he speaks fluent Spanish.
Chelsea is 33. George P. Bush will be 37 on April 24th. In 2024, they will be 44 and 48, respectively.
Let the less imaginative pundits pine for a Hillary-Jeb race. I see their prognostication and raise them a Chelsea Clinton-George P. Bush fight. If I’m right, I will be a genius. If I’m wrong, I’m counting on you to forget.