He Likes Us! He Really Likes Us! Philly Gets Some Love from Obama’s Budget

Seems Obama’s 2014 budget has a couple goodies in it for Philly. BHO has requested $10 million to make sure the city’s two main federal building don’t crumble to the ground.

For the Robert F. Nix Federal Courthouse, on 9th and Market, “exterior alteration project to repair and restore the deteriorated façade and windows.” Also: “life safety hazards associated falling debris.” Mk, then.

And for the William J. Green Jr. Federal Building, on 6th and Arch, “renovation of tenant spaces, restacking of non-contiguous occupancies on floors three through ten, building system repairs, and security upgrades.”

Wait, that’s it? Come to think of it, maybe Obama doesn’t love Philly that much after all… [Inquirer]