Will Corbett Change his Mind on Obamacare Expansion? Tomorrow’s D.C. Meeting Could Be Decisive

Tomorrow, the fate of as many as 500,000 uninsured Pennsylvanians could be decided: Tom Corbett is heading to the Hubert H. Humphrey building, off the National Mall, to meet with Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius. There, she will pitch her boss’s Medicaid expansion, which Corbett has rejected, leaving hundreds of thousands of potential Medicaid enrollees in the lurch. If Sebelius can convince Corbett that the policy won’t cost Pennsylvania as much as he thinks it will (the feds are picking up more than 90% of the cost), he’s hinted that he could change his mind. And if he does: Was the rejection just kabuki theater to appease his political base? [Newsworks]